Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My immune system... or rather, lack-there-of

When I was younger, I was sick a lot. Tonsils out, tubes in the ears, constantly in and out of the hospital for infections and what not. Of course, I don't remember any of this but I've been told numerous times by my parents about how sick I used to get. Fast forward a few years to the end of elementary and all through-out junior high. I don't know what it was, but I was sick pretty much every 6 weeks. Not majorly sick, but sick enough to stay home from school for a day, then have a man voice and runny nose for 2 or 3 days after. I was used to it, and pretty much could predict when I would get sick. I never took vitamins unless my mother forced me to, so this was probably part of the problem. It was no big deal really, since I was only ever midly sick. Then comes high school, where all of a sudden my immune system seems to get a boost and I only got sick about every 3 or 4 months. Even better! And it stayed like this throughout high school and college. The only time I was really, really sick during college was when I got food poisoning. Man, I do not wish that upon even my worst enemy. I was on the couch doing nothing but sleeping and running to the bathroom for a solid 2 1/2 days. Worst abdominal cramps of my life. They hurt so much I actually compared them to what I imagine the early stages of labor to feel like. It was painful. There were many tears. Many swears. So many trips to the bathroom.
Anyways, back to my lack of an immune system.
So there I am in Europe. I'm on a fantastic trip with school and hanging with a group of friends. Then my one friend Geoff gets sick, and it's all downhill from there. He was sick, then I got sick, then I got Briana sick who in turn got Tyla sick. And I mean, sick. I was in Portugal on one of the last days that we would be there, and I was completely bed ridden. I was having hot and cold flashes, a horribly sore throat and a massive headache. It was friggen nasty. Luckily it passed within about 4 days, and all was good. That was back in May. And I was pleased to say that I was disease-free from May until the beginning of October. That's FIVE months. Pretty much a record for me.
The beginning of October, I had to go to the walk-in clinic to get my prescription refilled. I knew going there that it was be a total ground zero type situation, and that everyone would be coughing and sneezing and hacking up all sorts of nasties. So, going there I did the total anal germaphobe thing and touched NOTHING. Not the magazines, not the arm rests on the sides of the chairs, nothing. Only the door handles. Anyways, I was there on Saturday, and I woke up Sunday morning feeling sick. Surprise, surprise! Damn you, walk-in clinic. Here I am thinking about the shitty timing of the illness, considering there were birthday's and parties coming up that I wanted to go to. Long story short, I spent almost 2 weeks with a huge nasal issue going on. I was insanely plugged up, and sounded like death. For TWO weeks. What the hell? Then last Thursday I start thinking everything is better. I'm feeling better, I'm sounding better, and my nose is starting to leak (which my Mom always said was good.) Then I wake up Friday morning and shit hit the fan. I woke up with a massive headache, I was weak, I was so tired and exhausted and I sounded worse than I had for the 2 weeks. I barely made it through work (thank-you aspirin and orange juice) and when I got home I went straight to bed. I woke up a few hours later feeling more sick than I had in ages. I pretty much wanted to curl up into the fetal position and die. It was horrible. I was thanking God it was a long weekend, because I was going to spend the 3 days in bed doing nothing but sleeping. I woke up Saturday morning, and I felt, literally, about 110% better. No headache, no fatigue, no nothing. It was insane. Don't get me wrong, I was happy. Ecstatic is more like it. But that just goes to show that my immune system is fucked right up. I can go 2 weeks with a total sinus congestion thing, feel like total death for a day, then be completely fine the next day.
Moral of this (quite obnoxiously long blog) is that my immune system sucks. It always has, and always will. It just pretends to play nice for a while so I let my guard down, then it sneaks up on me and attacks me.

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